Given the length of time before a normal waste counter reset I have to question the latter particularly as people do upgrade their machines, replace worn parts, etc. Why would you pay for something that, when you upgrade your machine, will no longer work.What does this “special program” gather in terms of information?.Whilst the issue of paying money to Western Union is no longer an issue it does beg a few questions still If you change some parts in your computer the program will not work and you have to buy it once more for updated PC. You send us this files and we send the adjustment program to you.It can work on one PC only. It can be generated by special program, This program generates 2 files. To get this adjustment program for Epson R1900, first you have to send us your PC configuration info file. To quote the 2Manuals site (bad spelling and all): The same scenario seems to be required though.

Well, while it’s perhaps a welcome development, it seems that have managed to broker some kind of deal with this source as they are now offering the same type of deal except by Credit card Not too long ago I wrote an article regarding reset utilities and as part of that I mentioned a potential new “for a price” source of dubious origin.