I may sometimes have treated a minor writer who interests me particularly at greater length than he deserves, or rather briefly summarized something important and well known. Nevertheless, thougb the word "critical" in my title is important, I have tried never to lose sight of the fact that this is a history, not a series of separate critical studies, and the appropriate kinds of historical generalizations and the proper continuity of narrative have, I hope, been maintained throughout. Indeed, ,the chapters on Shakespeare and Milton can perhaps stand as ind~pendent critical studies, capable of being extracted from the rest of the History and read as short books on their Own.

I have given myself generous space in dealing with major figures such as Shakespeare and Milton, without bothering whether, in strict terms of relative greatness, they deserve so much more than I have given to some other writers. It is not meant to be looked up, but to be read. work of description, explanation, and critical interpretation. This, therefore, is one man's history of English literature it is intended less as a work of reference than as a. But I have been reading English literature continuously and closely ever since I began my studies at Edinburgh University in 1930, and I have long felt the urge to describe the whole scene as I see it. I cannot claim to be a specialist in all the periods on which I have written, nor, in spite of my best attempts, have I been able to keep abreast of all new developments in English studies. schoiars, and for one man to attempt a complete history of English literature is now both rash and unusual. 7 John Street, LondonĬopycight © J 960 by THE RONALD PRESS COMPANYįirst pllblished September 1960 Reprin ted December 1960 Reprinted February 1961 Prinud in Great BriJlJin by Morrison & Gibb Ltd., Lrmdall alld Edillburgh and published in Great Britain b_lI klartin Seeker & Warhurg Ltd.